Both, Curriculum Vitae (often called CVs) and Resumes have one specific purpose – to secure an interview.
The Art of Resume Writing
Essentially they are marketing documents that provide key information regarding a jobseeker’s qualifications, skills, education, and experience. CVs and resume differ in their usage, format, and length. CVs tend to be long and are generally used for applying in scientific and academic fields whereas a resume is a brief summary of jobseeker’s qualifications and how he can benefit his potential employer. For the purpose of this article we will use the terms CV and resume interchangeably, as is the general norm followed across Asia. Companies receive hundreds of CVs for a single job opening. Hiring managers have to scan through all these and shortlist a few for further processing. Typically, a hiring manager gives a resume less than 10 seconds of consideration before deciding to short list it. Hence, the CV has to convey an applicant’s capabilities and skills within these 10 seconds. In conclusion, the resume or CV should be as professional as presentations/projects that are made by you for academic purposes. Follow this one tip and everything else will flow from it!What is a resume/CV?
Are resume and CVs different from one another?
So, what makes a great resume?
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